
The Executive Board has been re-elected for another two-year term (2022-2023 & 2023-2024)

To e-mail any E-Board member, simply click on their names

President: Mike Schmelz

Vice President: Paulette Kraybill

Treasurer: Kendra Potter

Secretary: Ryan Walker

Membership: Denise Shellehamer

Trustee: Bob Kraybill

HBBC Committee Chairs

To email any Committee Chairpersons, simply click on their names

Bear Facts: Amy Shellehamer

Convention: Kyle Kraybill

HBBC Trips: Paulette Kraybill

Social Media: Kyle Kraybill

Webmaster: Amy Shellehamer

Hospitality: hbbchospitality@gmail.com (If you are a visiting Booster Club coming into Hershey, someone form the Executive Board will contact you back with the possibility of setting up a get-together with our Booster Club if time permits)

HBBC By-Laws

Click on the button below to view the Booster Club By-Laws